The project was launched in Region XI yesterday, July 20, with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board X and the 20 participating employers who have agreed to extend the non-profit initiative to their employees through a corporate selling scheme.
“The Basket of Goods Project will allow workers to avail of basic and prime commodities at discounted prices,” DOLE XI regional director and RTWPB XI Bard Chair Jalilo O
And since the prices of the products are way below the standard retail prices or SRP of the retail stores, he said, the project will not only augment the family income but will also allow enterprising workers to start their own sari-sari stores.
Under the MOA, the RTWPB XI will coordinate with the suppliers of the basic commodities as well as with the companies or employers supporting the Non-Wage Benefit Program.
Dela Torre said the participating employers have pledged to allow their workers direct access to the commodities at their specific workplaces. It is the employer which will facilitate the taking of the orders of their employees which will then be given to the supplier every 13th and 28th of the month.
He said it is also the employers who will set up the salary deduction scheme of the employees who will avail of the discounted basket of goods.
However, only employees whose employers have signified intention to join the Program will be able to avail of the discounted basket of goods. As of the MOA signing, only 20 employers have committed to join the Program.
Among the employers who will participate in the Program are: Casa Leticia, Charlie’s Ice Cream House, Inc., Davao Cableworld Network, Inc., Davao Concrete Poles Corporation, Davao Light & Power Co. Inc., Davao Rope Factory, Inc., Davao Toplas, Inc., Deco Machine Shop, Inc., High Yield Sugar Farms, Corp., Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc., Holy Cross Press of the Archdiocese of Davao, Jhaymarts Industries, Legaspi Oil Company, Mahugani Security and Investigation Agency, One Network bank, San Pedro Hospital, SODACO Agricultural Corp., Stanfilco, Tagum Agricultural Dev’t. Co. and Tesoro’s Printing Press.
Dela Torre said the discounted commodities will come from Proctor & Gamble and Nestle Philippines. All the other products non supplied by the two companies will be provided by Gaisano Southmall.
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