The road to General Santos City is unde

rgoing repair and maintenance but it is definitely better now. Motorists from Digos City will however have to take a detour because the bridge connecting Guihing and Digos City is totally unpassable and all vehicles have to take the long way by going right into Guihing proper.
If not for the damaged bridge I would have surmised that the government is just showing off the newly constructed bridge inside Guihing. Funny though because construction of the Guihing project has not yet started and there is as yet no sign that there are preliminary works being done except perhaps for the road signs.
Gensan and South Cotabato has come a long way from being just a dusty city somewhere in the south. Aside from its tuna, p

ineapple and asparagus exports, the city is starting to become a financial hub with its own share of malls like Gaisano Mall and KCC. However, unless mayor Pedro Acharon finds a way to solve the peace and order problem of the city, it may be relegated to the sidelines.