Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Winning through positive affirmation?

I have just been through several articles on positive affirmation and while I was doing research and writing some of them I suddenly realized that I have given up my luck on lotteries, raffles and any other contests I do not have a direct control on (except perhaps when writing my name and address on the stub!). I came upon some ideas stating that the subconscious mind can be trained into projecting only positive thoughts until you make your positive thoughts a reality.

I came upon an announcement saying that Manila Freelancer is giving away “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferris. However, I can only get that copy by posting a comment, blogging about it and then when “we” reach 50 then the winner will be drawn.

I’m trying positive affirmation this time. I’m gong to win The 4-Hour Workweek and learn the secrets to accumulating wealth in just several hours a week! Wow! That’s positive thinking!

Araw ng Dabaw Tattoo Fest 2024 organizers eye tattoo industry as next tourist attraction

Tattoos have come a long way in the Philippines. From being frowned upon, tattoos are now considered art and a form of self-expression.   Da...