Monday, July 22, 2013

Pnoy's 4th State of the Nation Address: SONA or SANA?

The country will be at a standstill for most of the day as the people wait for the 4th State of the Nation Address (SoNA) of President Benigno S. Aquino III at around 3:30 today.

Pnoy's past SONAs have been well-applauded primarily for his choice of the Filipino language. However, the past SoNAs have been much criticized because he always found a way to blame the past administration for how the government worked.

With Pnoy halfway towards his Presidency, it is time he stands up for all the faults and successes of his administration. No more finger-pointing this time Mr. President!

CBS revives Financial Wellness Roadshow for teachers

Around 500 participants joined China Bank Savings ’ (CBS) “Financial Wellness Roadshow for Teachers” Mindanao run. The free seminars were la...