Saturday, July 20, 2013

Airlines not feeling the pinch of foreign travel advisories

Most of the airlines flying to and from Davao City are not affected by the different foreign travel advisories issued by their governments against the cities of Davao, Zamboanga and Cotabato.

Photo courtesy of Rudolph Alama
Among the countries that have issued the travel advisory separately are big tourism markets including Australia, Canada and the United States of America.

“We had informal discussions with the airlines but we are still gathering data for possible cancellations as a result of the travel advisories,” City Tourism Officer Lisette Marques said during Thursday’s iSpeak Forum at the Davao City Hall.

Marques said Silkair is a regional airline and these countries are their market so it is of course affected by the travel advisory. However, she said, most of the airlines in the city are focused on the domestic market so they are in no way affected by the advisories.

She said they have not also seen cancellations in relation to the Kadayawan as a result of the advisories. “The Ad Congress cancellation is another matter since it was a result of internal problems,” she added.

Marques said there are many indications that Davao City is growing as a destination. She said she has just received information that a medical association has already scheduled a convention in the city for May 2014 with a delegation of 3,000 people.

When asked about the preparedness of the city when it comes to accommodation, she said “this is a happy problem” because it is an indication that many people are visiting the city.

However, she said that this is also a problem for businesses who build more rooms which are fully booked only during peak seasons.  She said the city would be better prepared if the visitors reserve their rooms ahead.

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