Campo Agua and San Miguel have joined forces to celebrate Oktober Family Fest last Sunday October 3, 2009 at Campo Agua in Sirawan, Toril.
Campo Agua is a restaurant resort within the heart of Davao City. The place offers cool waters, lots of slides and fun water decors for children and adults. Plus, they serve good food too like deep fried hito, their delicious bangus kinilaw and a lot more.
This is a whole day Oktober Family Fest which attracted lots of families from the city. The resort

guests reminisced the 80s and the 90s with mellow love songs from the band. More danceable tunes were belted out by the band before the party actually started. The kids were also entertained by a clown, a short magic show and lots of games.
Oktoberfest may be popular nowadays for beer-drinking sprees but it actually started as a horse-racing fest to honor Princess Therese and Crown Prince Ludwig's marriage in 1810.The race was called of in 1819 and from then on was celebrated with a carnival-like atmosphere with lots of beer carts to signal 16 days of heavy drinking and revelry.
Oktoberfest may be a German celebration but even Asian countries like the Philippines are looking forward to the annual Oktoberfest. The Oktoberfest at Campo Agua is one Oktoberfest not merely for beer drinking but for wholesome family fun to include daddy,mommy and the kids!